Amazon Creek relocation site
At Beltline / WEP interchange
note claim that "wetland mitigation" would supposedly happen in the
relocated creek
("A-3" Bertelsen tributary of Amazon)
ODOT wants to claim this moving of the creek as a "wetland mitigation
site," even those the West Eugene Wetlands Plan states that the A-3 tributary
is to be protected. Filling in a quarter mile of the creek and digging
a ditch for a new channel would not protect the stream.
A-3 would also be bridged over at Bailey Hill / WEP intersection and completely covered over at Seneca / WEP intersection. The Beltline / WEP interchange would also require substantial relocation of the creek beyond the description in this map (the October 2005 ODOT map shows a larger southbound ramp from Beltline than in previous proposals which would require fill dirt in the existing A-3 channel -- also, the temporary roads for Beltline during interchange construction would have wetland destruction not yet publicly identified). In total, the official displacement of A-3 Amazon would be at least one half kilometer of direct stream destruction, and potentially up to twice that length.